Happy Easter

Religious silverware

Series Issued on April 8, 2006, in sheets of 20 copies (16 stamps with value and 4 entrecintas without value). A print run of 416,000 stamps with face value was made. Printed with the offset procedure on paper without filigree or phosphorescence.The perforated is 14 . Also issued along with the stamps were 3000 Envelopes First Day of Issue.

Religious Silverware

Never Again – March 24, 1976

On March 24, 1976, it began with the overthrow of Maria Estela Martinez de Perón, a succession of dictatorial governments that carried out a systematic plan of disappearance of people, detained without trial or more reason than their ideological thought. It was a dark night for the country, which began to end with the return of democracy in 1983, after the defeat in the Falklands War.

Never Again - Human Rights

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