
These are printed postcards that come pre-franked for use and shipping. They are usually of a commemorative, historical or tourist use nature.

Entero Postal Primer Tranvía Eléctrico de Córdoba
Entero Postal Primer Tranvía Eléctrico de Córdoba – (1909-2009)
Entero Postal Colonia Esperanza
150 Años de la Colonia Esperanza – Provincia de Santa Fé
AMIA - Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina
AMIA – Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina
50 Aniversario del Centro Filatélico de Catamarca
50 Aniversario del Centro Filatélico de Catamarca
Orden de Hermanos Menores - Religión Año 2009
Orden de Hermanos Menores – Religión Año 2009

Argentine Writers Postal Series Year 1983

Argentine Writers

First Air Day: March 26, 1983

Series of 5 postage stamps with the faces of 5 famous Argentine writers in the vignette:

  • Delfina Bunge de Galvez
  • Evaristo Carriego
  • Manuel Galvez
  • Peter B. Palacios (Pseudonym: Almafuerte)
  • Leopoldo Marechal

Argentine writers

First Day of Issue: March 26, 1983

Series of 5 postage stamps with the faces of 5 famous Argentine writers in the vignette:

Delfina Bunge de Galvez Evaristo Carriego
Manuel Galvez

Pedro B. Palacios (Pseudonym: Almafuerte)
Leopoldo Marechal

The May Revolution of 1810 in Philately

The year 1960 marked the 150th anniversary of the May Revolution of 1810, one of the founding events of Argentina.

Museums XIV General Conference of the International Council of Museums – Year 1987

Museums XIV General Conference of the International Council of Museums – Year 1987 Museums XIV General Conference of the International Council of Museums - Year 1987 Sheet Block with 8 Postage Stamps representing pieces of: National Historical Museum of Spanish Art Enrique Larreta Museum of Patagonia (San Carlos de Bariloche) Museum of Natural Sciences (La Plata) Historical Museum of Entre Ríos (Paraná) Historical Museum of the North (Salta) Provincial Archaeological Museum (Santiago del Estero)