Category: Stamps by Theme
Stamps cataloged by theme.
Students of La Plata
100 Years of the First International Airmail

Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the First Official Argentine International AirMail. The flight was between the city of Buenos Aires and Montevideo (Uruguay). The pilot Pablo Teodoro Fels
History of the World Cup – World Cup in Russia 2018

2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa

The 2010 FIFA World Cup Champion in South Africa was Spain. First World Cup won by the country.
Argentina was part of Group B along with Nigeria, Greece and South Korea
Raul Alfonsin
Raúl Ricardo Alfonsín (1927-2009): Former Argentine President, and political leader of the Radical Civic Union, remembered for being the first president after recovering democracy in 1983. Native of the city of Chascomús (Prov. of Buenos Aires). Promoter of human rights, during his government, the so-called "Trial of the Military Juntas" responsible for the atrocities carried out during the military dictatorship was carried out. His government ended prematurely, due to the economic and inflation problems that the country was experiencing. His successor was Dr Carlos Saúl Menem.
Pope Francis
Series of Postage Stamps issued in 2013. Jorge Bergoglio , Pope Francis The pope who arrived at San Pedro dalla "fine del mondo"
Tribute to the Creation of the National Flag
Tribute to the Creation of the National Flag
"Being necessary to fly Flag, and not having it I ordered to make white and blue according to the colors of the national cockade" – Manuel Belgrano
Falkland Islands and Argentine Postage Stamps
The Malvinas Islands, as an inseparable part of our national territory, continues to be claimed in international organizations aimed at resolving disputes between countries.
Nestor Kirchner
Commemoration of the 1st Anniversary of the Death of Dr Néstor Kirchner
As in all areas of life, love ends up overcoming hatred. The permanent memory of a president who carried out a large number of works of importance for the country.
Happy Easter
Religious silverware
Series Issued on April 8, 2006, in sheets of 20 copies (16 stamps with value and 4 entrecintas without value). A print run of 416,000 stamps with face value was made. Printed with the offset procedure on paper without filigree or phosphorescence.The perforated is 14 . Also issued along with the stamps were 3000 Envelopes First Day of Issue.